karen easterbrook: Ben & I in front of the 21 seater Twin Otter to Bario
karen easterbrook: The friendly co pilot
karen easterbrook: Nancy and Harris Lodge in Bario
karen easterbrook: From our terrace in Bario
karen easterbrook: Bario high street
karen easterbrook: Exploring around Bario - a Punan settlement
karen easterbrook: Kids at the Punan settlement
karen easterbrook: The Punan settlement
karen easterbrook: Village on the way to Palungan
karen easterbrook: Pitcher Plant
karen easterbrook: View of the church in Palungan
karen easterbrook: Ben with Nabun in the jungle supermarket
karen easterbrook: Collecting wild asparagus
karen easterbrook: Wild ginger flower
karen easterbrook: Nabun finds some wild mangosteens
karen easterbrook: Ben climbing a guava tree
karen easterbrook: Over the bridge
karen easterbrook: Leech attacks
karen easterbrook: View of Palungan village from the hill
karen easterbrook: Me on (over?) the hill
karen easterbrook: Fantastic dinner, all local, some freshly picked by our own fair hands
karen easterbrook: Getting down to the Hornbill dance
karen easterbrook: The Poco Poco dance
karen easterbrook: Joseph getting in on the act
karen easterbrook: A rest from the dancing
karen easterbrook: Bens leech
karen easterbrook: Chilling with Nabun and the puppy
karen easterbrook: Having a go with a blowpipe
karen easterbrook: DHL to Palungan
karen easterbrook: The beautiful Borneo jungle