Little Mel :): No contact!
Little Mel :): First 60mm macro test
Little Mel :): I smell a new lens!
Little Mel :): DPP_0006
Little Mel :): DPP_0014
Little Mel :): Macro fly #1
Little Mel :): 22040812
Little Mel :): Around the house #1
Little Mel :): Boiling point
Little Mel :): Window to the soul
Little Mel :): Ranos gigantum humeris insidentes
Little Mel :): Arthur (the Tick)
Little Mel :): Flower explosion
Little Mel :): Moo or m-ew
Little Mel :): hairy caterpillar
Little Mel :): My very first shot with 40D
Little Mel :): DPP_0016
Little Mel :): Red bean
Little Mel :): Jelly Belly
Little Mel :): Ring Ring
Little Mel :): Ay up lad!
Little Mel :): little me in a christmas bauble
Little Mel :): are a girls best friend