paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, valley of Thimpu, December 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, valley of Thimpu, road between Thimpu and Paro, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, view of the capital Thimpu, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, view of the government building in Thimpu, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu, shopping street, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, shopping street in the capital, Thimpu, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu, shopping street 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu vegetable market, sale of potatoes, December 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu vegetable market, sale of potatoes, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu market, sale of processed rice, December 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu, couple at the meat market, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu, the meat market, December 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Thimpu, sale of meat at the market, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Paro valley, December 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Paro, flags sending a prayer, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Paro, flag sending a prayer, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Ddzong at the foot of the Himalayas, 1988
paulvanwijmeersch: Bhutan, Ddzong, at the foot of the Himalayas, end of the road by car, 1988