dflora_pix: 16 Guidelines and Ready Set Happy participants
dflora_pix: 74 Learning the names morning of first full day
dflora_pix: 85 Two by two
dflora_pix: 87 Getting familiar with the book
dflora_pix: 88 Keeping ahead of the group
dflora_pix: 127 Curiosity of all ages...how we relate
dflora_pix: 132 Overview of hands-on activities demonstrated for How we Relate to Others.
dflora_pix: 148 During my day I meet...The Dashed Path
dflora_pix: 154 Time for going inside to draw out inner wisdom
dflora_pix: 192 Learning to build the Magic String Experiment
dflora_pix: 221Light is shared around the circle
dflora_pix: Optical delusion