Dave Lilienthal: Piaggio P-180 Avanti - N147SL
Dave Lilienthal: Rockwell Turbo Commander
Dave Lilienthal: LearJet 45 N88WV
Dave Lilienthal: Air Force One Departs KBFI
Dave Lilienthal: Air Force One Back Taxis
Dave Lilienthal: Air Force One
Dave Lilienthal: The Mightly Shrikes Arrive at KBFI
Dave Lilienthal: Less plumage than the CAG bird, but still a looker
Dave Lilienthal: ZA001 on Final
Dave Lilienthal: BS9D1532.jpg
Dave Lilienthal: USCG 6574 Leaves to Clear Lake Washington for the Blue Angels Performance
Dave Lilienthal: Angel 3 Peels Off to Land
Dave Lilienthal: Albert Makes His Way Back to the Boeing Ramp
Dave Lilienthal: Heat Haze
Dave Lilienthal: Snort Comes in for a Whiff of Tarmac
Dave Lilienthal: Dale Snodgrass is on the DECK!
Dave Lilienthal: F-86 Sabre
Dave Lilienthal: Low Knife Edge Pass
Dave Lilienthal: Col. Olds' Old Bird
Dave Lilienthal: Air Superiority
Dave Lilienthal: Tank Buster
Dave Lilienthal: BS9D8810.jpg
Dave Lilienthal: A 600 mph Game of Chicken
Dave Lilienthal: Viper West sans 'stash
Dave Lilienthal: BS9D6753.jpg
Dave Lilienthal: BS9D6714.jpg
Dave Lilienthal: BS9D6485.jpg
Dave Lilienthal: USN Legacy Flight