cefran_other: Portbail as seen from the dunes of Lindbergh Plage
cefran_other: Portbail revealing itself
cefran_other: Portbail
cefran_other: Portbail
cefran_other: Portbail
cefran_other: Portbail
cefran_other: Notre-Dame de Portbail
cefran_other: The Angelus wreck ashore
cefran_other: Ivy covered facade with Au rendez-vous des pecheurs restaurant in Portbail
cefran_other: Portbail's main street
cefran_other: Saint- Martin church of Portbail
cefran_other: Oyat over the Dunes of Lindbergh Plage
cefran_other: La Rivière hamlet with the submersible bridge
cefran_other: La Rivière hamlet
cefran_other: Along L'Olonde
cefran_other: L'Olonde at low tide
cefran_other: Portbail-Plage with Cap Carteret
cefran_other: Portbail-Plage with Cap Carteret at the background
cefran_other: Ton sur ton
cefran_other: In sight of Barneville
cefran_other: Clambering up and going down the sand dunes
cefran_other: Iż-żagħzugħ ta' dejjem
cefran_other: Cap Carteret as seen from Barneville-Plage
cefran_other: At Barneville Plage
cefran_other: Barneville from La Gerfleur
cefran_other: Le Cap Carteret from Le Tot hamlet
cefran_other: The tide getting in the havre of Barneville
cefran_other: Pink note
cefran_other: Dune flora
cefran_other: Dune flora