cefran_other: IMG_0082
cefran_other: Twin towns - Lija and Mdina
cefran_other: The three domes en pourpre cardinalice
cefran_other: Baroquely Maltese
cefran_other: La brèche
cefran_other: Obelisk
cefran_other: Solar disc?
cefran_other: A glimpse
cefran_other: Going to Mdina
cefran_other: Verdala castle at a distance
cefran_other: Of churches and castles
cefran_other: Martha and Mary
cefran_other: Malta, the island of 100 spires
cefran_other: Balzan church
cefran_other: Balzan and Attard
cefran_other: Saint Thérèse sanctuary at a distance
cefran_other: B'Kara
cefran_other: B'Kara church at Paola's at the distance
cefran_other: Old battered publicity board
cefran_other: A shrine at dawn
cefran_other: ♫ I wanna wake up to the sunlight filling the room♫
cefran_other: Dorures
cefran_other: Il-Harraga?
cefran_other: Lazy cat
cefran_other: Ugo Mifsud street Lija
cefran_other: Old Bakery street in Lija
cefran_other: Saint Andrew street Lija
cefran_other: IMG_0088
cefran_other: J'suis sous sous soûl sous ton balcon
cefran_other: Chapel at Lija