darnott99: Petrin Hill Observation Tower
darnott99: Cobblestone Path
darnott99: Spring in Prague
darnott99: DSCN3315
darnott99: Spring in Prague
darnott99: Friends
darnott99: Camera adjustment time
darnott99: View from the Observation Tower on Petrin Hill
darnott99: View from the Observation Tower on Petrin Hill
darnott99: View from the Observation Tower on Petrin Hill
darnott99: View from the Observation Tower on Petrin Hill
darnott99: View from the Observation Tower on Petrin Hill
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: View from the tower
darnott99: Funiclar railway to the ObservationTower
darnott99: Nebozizek Restaurant
darnott99: View from Nebozizek Restaurant
darnott99: Walking down Petrin Hill
darnott99: Petrin Hill
darnott99: Petrin Hill
darnott99: Petrin Hill