fp71g: The facade looks better after restoration
fp71g: St. Paul's Cathedral
fp71g: Nice place for lunch
fp71g: IMG_3977a
fp71g: IMG_3978a
fp71g: Tulips!
fp71g: The London Stock Exchange
fp71g: LV shop in the City
fp71g: Shanghai Commercial Bank in London
fp71g: The Gherkin - Swiss Re HQ
fp71g: Tower 42
fp71g: Tube station from where I emerge...
fp71g: JP Morgan... further back...
fp71g: Metallic
fp71g: Really nice place for lunch
fp71g: A chapel in the middle of modern buildings
fp71g: Ice cream ... well it's hot today
fp71g: 聖保羅大教堂,就在公司附近
fp71g: 泰唔士河上有很多桥的,遠處的便是有名的(塔橋)
fp71g: 從千禧年橋漫步走去Tate Modern
fp71g: Tate Modern 就是英国国家摩登艺術館
fp71g: 從橋的一個盡頭回望
fp71g: 連接聖保羅大教堂及摩登艺術館的千禧年橋
fp71g: 国家摩登艺術展覧館
fp71g: 泰唔士河上的水警
fp71g: 泰唔士河上的觀光船
fp71g: 坐在地上休息的遊客
fp71g: 女警口乾要喝水
fp71g: Tower of London 倫敦塔
fp71g: 塔橋