durelle: a nice leaf that i found
durelle: the dog fish mouth fountain that isn't giving out any water today
durelle: the most awesome dessert ever that was so delicious
durelle: some pine trees that have not dropped their needles since i believe they are conifers
durelle: Belin is sleeping peacefully, as he usually is.
durelle: children's play area in the conservatory iii
durelle: children's play area in the conservatory ii
durelle: children's play area in the conservatory i
durelle: huge grape leaf on a bench
durelle: big yellow flower that i think might be a mum
durelle: leaves that i liked the lines of
durelle: green leaves that i like the shape of
durelle: windows in the orchid room
durelle: green vine with leaves
durelle: mums mums mums mums mums mums
durelle: yellow mum
durelle: the first room you enter
durelle: chairs
durelle: lines and shapes
durelle: another chair