Freedom of Stitch: thimble casualty
Freedom of Stitch: small shrooms start
Freedom of Stitch: froggy1 wide shot
Freedom of Stitch: frog on The Root
Freedom of Stitch: new root March 2009
Freedom of Stitch: me stitching root, March 2009
Freedom of Stitch: root underpainting, 2008
Freedom of Stitch: toe meets yarn darner... o yeah
Freedom of Stitch: root in studio
Freedom of Stitch: wall of thread at the color desk
Freedom of Stitch: color desk
Freedom of Stitch: cutting out the Root
Freedom of Stitch: seeds on root center
Freedom of Stitch: sitting under root
Freedom of Stitch: full root July09
Freedom of Stitch: top left wide
Freedom of Stitch: lower left root
Freedom of Stitch: root wide view -110,000stitches!!
Freedom of Stitch: The root gets webby!
Freedom of Stitch: Roots at Dusk - after mimiloving it!
Freedom of Stitch: Gallery display case 1 L
Freedom of Stitch: Gallery display case 1 - R
Freedom of Stitch: Gallery display case 2 L
Freedom of Stitch: Gallery display case 2 - R
Freedom of Stitch: the Roots full photo
Freedom of Stitch: monkshood, first painted layers before stitching