st_mark: Outside of nose cone stripped and sanded.
st_mark: My best side
st_mark: 2017-12-30_11-23-11
st_mark: i know its been a year but the steering is all back together.
st_mark: After a sabbatical from old tractors Front axle on...
st_mark: Anyone think ita toeing in too much lol.
st_mark: She Lives! ....
st_mark: 2015-12-29_11-36-02
st_mark: 2015-12-29_11-35-52
st_mark: 2015-12-29_11-35-16
st_mark: The big rebuild begins
st_mark: 20141221_125603
st_mark: 20141221_125451
st_mark: Santa came early...
st_mark: Heart surgery on the new tractor engine
st_mark: Mankey old caeb
st_mark: Cleaned and serviced carb
st_mark: Getting exciting now the engine bits are here...
st_mark: And so the rebuild begins..
st_mark: Black hands lol
st_mark: 4 valves in