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Best of Odonata by Joose SF
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Joose SF
Aeshna mixta / Migrant Hawker
Joose SF
Libellula quadrimaculata / Four-spotted Chaser
Joose SF
Cordulegaster boltonii / Golden-ringed Dragonfly
Joose SF
Aeshna mixta / Migrant Hawker
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Coenagrion puella / Azure Damselfly
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Sympetrum sanguineum ♀
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Enallagma cyathigerum
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Pyrrhosoma nymphula / Large Red Damselfly
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Platycnemis pennipes / White-legged Damselfly
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Calopteryx virgo ♂
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Anax imperator / Emperor Dragonfly
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Calopteryx splendens / Banded Demoiselle
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Sympetrum sanguineum / Ruddy Darter
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Aeshna affinis / Southern Migrant Hawker
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Leste viridis / Green Emerald Damselfly
Joose SF
Aeshna cyanea ♀
Joose SF
Sympetrum striolatum / Common Darter ♂
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Libellula quadrimaculata ♀
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Orthetrum brunneum / Southern Skimmer ♀
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Crocothemis erythraea / Scarlet Dragonfly
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Libellula fulva / Scarce Chaser
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Sympetrum sanguineum / Ruddy Darter
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Aeshna isoceles / Norfolk Hawker
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Four-spotted Chaser/ Libellula quadrimaculata ♂
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Aeshna cyanea / Southern Hawker
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Cordulia aenea ♂
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Sympetrum striolatum / Common Darter
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Leste viridis / Green Emerald Damselfly
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Libellula depressa ♂
Joose SF
Aeshna cyanea / Southern Hawker ♂
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