Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: My First Hosta Bloom of 2011 in B/W
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Arched Footbridge at Chuck’s
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Lipscomb Silos at the End of the Day
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Old Coke SIgn at Slim’s Grocery
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Anyone for Basketball at Slim’s?
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Gene and Eloise at North Mt. Overlook Studying a Bug in Black and White
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Eloise Wearing Baga’s Back Pack in Block and White
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Gene before Hike in BLack and White
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Robinson Family at North Mt. Overlook Oct. 2011 - Black and White
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Eloise at Sandbridge 1 in Black and White- Sept 2011
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Eloise at Sandbridge 2 in Black and White - Sept 2011
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: eloise at snadbridge 3 in black and white - sept 2011
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: eloise at sandbridge 4 in black and white - sept 2011
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Ridgie and Eloise with Hurt Knee
Climbing the Digital Mountain/Buttons for Baga: Kerrs Creek in Black and White