zainal fitri: Szaflary summer.
zainal fitri: Szaflary summer.
zainal fitri: Szaflary summer.
zainal fitri: Traffic mirror
zainal fitri: Humans like toys with many: shapes, colours, faces, emotions, characters, situations, status and fate. Nobody is in tune to face the new world order.
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zainal fitri: Electrical Meters climbing on the post. Krabi, thailand.
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zainal fitri: Some islands near krabi, thailand.
zainal fitri: Some islands near krabi, thailand.
zainal fitri: Karon beach, Phuket, Thailand.
zainal fitri: Karon beach, Phuket, Thailand.
zainal fitri: Karon beach, Phuket, Thailand.
zainal fitri: Krabi, Thailand boat jetty to island tour.
zainal fitri: Krabi, Thailand boat jetty to island tour.
zainal fitri: Krabi, Thailand boat jetty to island tour.
zainal fitri: Water pump Penang ferry "Pulau Angsa"
zainal fitri: Water pump Penang ferry "Pulau Angsa"
zainal fitri: Pantai Padang
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zainal fitri: Kuala Lumpur evening 03 june 2016
zainal fitri: Halfway through the hilltop village. Whats the secret him not getting electrocuted? Its because all the wires are insulated and him know which wire to handled which surely been "un-lived" by them at the main distribution centre.
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