leespicedragon: 100_0739
leespicedragon: 100_0741
leespicedragon: 100_0740
leespicedragon: 100_0743
leespicedragon: 100_0738
leespicedragon: Trey hiking to the falls
leespicedragon: Dream wand , for my Friend Jewel
leespicedragon: Dream wand , for my Friend Jewel
leespicedragon: Dream wand , for my Friend Jewel
leespicedragon: Diamond Willow cane Hand carves with copper accents
leespicedragon: Diamond Willow cane Hand carves with copper accents
leespicedragon: Diamond Willow cane Hand carves with copper accents
leespicedragon: Diamond Willow cane Hand carves with copper accents
leespicedragon: Desi the musician ring ebony and Ivory stack set in silver &Alister s Magi of Egypt Pendant in sterling silver with 26 inch Chain
leespicedragon: PICT0639
leespicedragon: PICT0638
leespicedragon: PICT0637
leespicedragon: PICT0635
leespicedragon: amber oak ring Tray 1