ACraw17: illustration for review of "Out", 2008
ACraw17: illustration for review of "Out", 2008
ACraw17: untitled illustration, 2008
ACraw17: untitled illustration, 2008
ACraw17: cover image, Left History magazine, 2007
ACraw17: untitled illustration, 2008
ACraw17: illustration for short story 'a la recherche de vetements perdus', 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story 'a la recherche de vetements perdus', 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story 'a la recherche de vetements perdus', 2004
ACraw17: cover illustration, horror vacui 2, 2004
ACraw17: illustration, 2004
ACraw17: illustration, 2004
ACraw17: illustration, 2004
ACraw17: illustration, 2004
ACraw17: illustration, 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story, 'double', 2004le
ACraw17: illustration for short story, 'double', 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story, 'double', 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story, 'double', 2004
ACraw17: illustration for short story, 'double', 2004
ACraw17: untitled illustration, 2004
ACraw17: untitled illustration, 2004
ACraw17: page from 'hypochondria fugue', 2003
ACraw17: page from 'hypochondria fugue', 2003
ACraw17: page from 'hypochondria fugue', 2003