CardiffChris: Jason from HTA explaining rules.
CardiffChris: In front of the FleetWood - first clue
CardiffChris: San Diego Library
CardiffChris: Team Flash - won best costume
CardiffChris: With the HTA crew at the library clue.
CardiffChris: In front of the Grant in DT San Diego.
CardiffChris: Reviewing clues and answers and plotting our next move.
CardiffChris: Team Metro Real Estate in Hillcrest - hoofed it to Balboa Park from here.
CardiffChris: The "Gator" clue in Balboa Park with token child we bribed to be in our picture.
CardiffChris: In front of Hall of Champions.
CardiffChris: Mark, Tambra, Socrates, BJ and Aliha (spelling is probably wrong) rocking the MTS.
CardiffChris: Again...kinda obvious - Hillcrest
CardiffChris: You can see where we are here....
CardiffChris: Little Italy
CardiffChris: Our "Stand By Me" moment.
CardiffChris: Sombrero bonus clue - 10 mins off our time :)
CardiffChris: Our 'token' celebrity shot with Bill and Mark
CardiffChris: High Trek Adventure "flag"
CardiffChris: Mark and Bill with Jason from High Trek Adventure