floquie: B&W profile
floquie: Close your eyes
floquie: My son
floquie: Girl in a hat
floquie: black and white
floquie: Love me tender
floquie: goodbye summer
floquie: danger zone
floquie: eyelashes
floquie: at the stables
floquie: My three Loves
floquie: Black & White
floquie: our love for Jessy
floquie: black and white portrait
floquie: another year another magical Goodwood Revival
floquie: Black and White portrait
floquie: "A moment in the soul can last forever"
floquie: a little bit of heaven @ Cocolicious
floquie: girl at a window
floquie: girl in b&w
floquie: nature in b&w
floquie: before darkness
floquie: our love for Jessy
floquie: our love for Jessy
floquie: a well deserved Christmas break
floquie: rose
floquie: cold in the summer
floquie: with our beloved Jessy
floquie: Ray-Ban for kids
floquie: Puma