Clouds Catcher: Market place at Nashik, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: The search for the eternal II
Clouds Catcher: Tilak Road, Aurangbad, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: Nashik, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: Traffic jam in Aurangbad
Clouds Catcher: The search for the eternal II
Clouds Catcher: Nashik India 1985
Clouds Catcher: The search for the eternal III
Clouds Catcher: Street vendor
Clouds Catcher: An ancient way of transportation
Clouds Catcher: Aurangbad, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: Market place in Nashik, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: Street scene in Nashik, India 1985
Clouds Catcher: An area of darkness
Clouds Catcher: Nashik-India, 1985
Clouds Catcher: Tourists in Aurangbad
Clouds Catcher: Barefoot