origami joel: xerxes 3
origami joel: 4 masks with beards and helmets
Matthieu Berroneau: Phrynocephalus mystaceus, Iran
egjphoto: Jukebox
adam tran: Baryonyx walkeri
douglas.chewning: Bufflehead-Male
douglas.chewning: Gadwall-Male
jpperret: Rufous-crested Coquette (Lophornis delattrei)
kingarfer: Hooded Merganser
Illini Images,Steve Patterson: Hooded Merganser_0119874 2
Illini Images,Steve Patterson: Wood Duck Pair_3114119 copy copy
timjhopwood: Hooded Meganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Gary Fairhead: Wing Power
anacm.silva: Keel-billed Toucan
ale_beber_origami: Sq.Tess.Dod.2 (3x3 version)
ale_beber_origami: Takashi Toyomura
Joseph Wu Origami: 蛇王。Snake King. (Hong Kong Cantonese speakers might appreciate the pun.)
Steve Reekie: Makirikiri Stream, West Coast, New Zealand
Joseph Wu Origami: Draconoid.
M.Novio: Resistance X Wing (Karol)
adam tran: Bambiraptor feinbergi
origami joel: brazen rex 6
EyalR: African Elephant
adam tran: Archangel St Michael 2013
geoffrey_haberman: Paratoxodera cornicollis (Malaysian feather mantis)
Gerhard Theron: Black Rhino
Gerhard Theron: Chacma baboon
Gerhard Theron: Chacma baboon