Robin M. Ashford: What is This - QR Code
Robin M. Ashford: QR codes in the stacks
Robin M. Ashford: QR code from "What is This" poster points to YouTube playlist
Robin M. Ashford: Image showing a video selected from the prior youtube playlist via QR code
Robin M. Ashford: Screen shows ready to play video from prior shot
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Screen shot 2010-07-09 Music Online
Robin M. Ashford: Music Online from QR Code to iPhone 4
Robin M. Ashford: Art Display in the PCL- QR code next to artist statement
Robin M. Ashford: Artist business cards with QR code to blog
Robin M. Ashford: Landing page from QR code to artist blog post
Robin M. Ashford: Touched image from prior post as displayed on iPhone 4
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - DVD with code to professional trailer
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Trailer video to DVD set & manual
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Test the code and go to trailer
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Made to Stick authors video
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Author introduction on youtube
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Author speaks on YouTube
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code for Study Room Reservation
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code - Study Room
Robin M. Ashford: QR Codes - Current Magazine Rack
Robin M. Ashford: Google Favorite Place - QR Code
Robin M. Ashford: Portland Center of GFU from Google Favorite Place QR Code
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code Scanner Apps - iPhone 4
Robin M. Ashford: Robin Ashford QR Code Contact Info
Robin M. Ashford: QR Code Signage at GFU Portland Center Library
Robin M. Ashford: QR code to film trailer - GFU Portland Center Library
Robin M. Ashford: George Fox University - Mobile Library Site Promo Cards
Robin M. Ashford: GFU Mobile Library Site Promotion Card
Robin M. Ashford: George Fox University Mobile Site