Todd Gundersomething: a boy and his bike
Todd Gundersomething: cruisin with Grpa Swanie
Todd Gundersomething: cruisin with Grpa Swanie
Todd Gundersomething: wait, where'd he go?
Todd Gundersomething: i think i could use a screwdriver over here Grpa Swanie
Todd Gundersomething: vrrrrroooooom
Todd Gundersomething: sunspots in October
Todd Gundersomething: look our Grpa!
Todd Gundersomething: packing a lunch
Todd Gundersomething: now don't forget your apple
Todd Gundersomething: Grma Karen gets instructions
Todd Gundersomething: Ethan checking in on Grma K
Todd Gundersomething: train table and multi-elmos
Todd Gundersomething: Ethan's new Sit n ... Stand?
Todd Gundersomething: E & Grpa Swanie at Orchards Park
Todd Gundersomething: E & Grpa Swanie at Orchards Park
Todd Gundersomething: look at him go!
Todd Gundersomething: a gathering of friends and family
Todd Gundersomething: green stache
Todd Gundersomething: Ethan and Grpa Swanie celebrating
Todd Gundersomething: green cupcake boy
Todd Gundersomething: hanging with the birthday boy