Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul
The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.
There is nothing as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about. ~
in our culture, and we are continually being conditioned to sacrifice the present for the future. carried to its logical conclusion, this attitude is not merely the avoidance of enjoyment in the now, but an evasion of happiness forever
it was late, late in the evening, the lovers they were gone; the clocks had ceased their chiming, and the deep river ran on
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. (Matthew 6:34)
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.