Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Same Time
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Time’s Prints
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Yesterday Is More than Just Recall
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Winter Is Almost Gone
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Your Memory Is Based On The Sky
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Lighting and Shadowing in Times NO.3
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Lighting and Shadowing in Times NO.2
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Lighting and Shadowing in Times NO.1
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Cloud Trip II
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Cloud Trip I
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Twilight Words
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Fluid of Time
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Ceiling's Smile
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Dancer's Walk
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):
Portrait of Night I
Mr Normalhappy 1986 (Black & White):