Ozzy Delaney: Watch Out!
Ozzy Delaney: Greylag
Ozzy Delaney: Low approach
Ozzy Delaney: You put right right foot in, do the Hokey Cokey
Ozzy Delaney: Go on. Clear off!
Ozzy Delaney: Skimming the water
Ozzy Delaney: Greylags
Ozzy Delaney: Blue Tit
Ozzy Delaney: Gliding Freely
Ozzy Delaney: Morning. Good Morning!
Ozzy Delaney: Gliding Overhead
Ozzy Delaney: On a Mission
Ozzy Delaney: Wait for Me!
Ozzy Delaney: Pigeon
Ozzy Delaney: Me and My Shadow
Ozzy Delaney: Urban Duck
Ozzy Delaney: Flight of Fancy
Ozzy Delaney: Canada Geese
Ozzy Delaney: Black Headed Gull
Ozzy Delaney: Feet Forward, Wings Back
Ozzy Delaney: Low Flying Swan