2493™: Flow
2493™: 替身 : 世界
2493™: 343期Milk 封面動作 實際比較版
2493™: Spring Smash (Left)
2493™: Spring Smash (Right)
2493™: 划 | Flame
2493™: Paddy's Hurricane ,2nd May early morning
2493™: EOS500_R26_bw_0342
2493™: 一切只是為了開門 | All for Open
2493™: Scholarship Moment 2.0 | Money Fan
2493™: 那年我們領到獎學金的一刻 | Scholarship Moment
2493™: Babel
2493™: Football field Spotlight
2493™: Curves and Lines
2493™: KENT & Radiohead
2493™: 7-Eleven
2493™: B門玩樂注意 : 閃燈射眼太多是會盲的
2493™: the song of Tree | 樹表之歌
2493™: Springs from the ground | 地上噴泉 f8/60
2493™: Springs from the ground | 地上噴泉 f5.6/125
2493™: 8
2493™: 2
2493™: Woody Chop sticks Spiral
2493™: no.095 reprise/variation (SQuare)
2493™: no.095 reprise/variation