philip_vw: Reroute time!
philip_vw: The group at the start. 19 with me
philip_vw: Laying out the tools
philip_vw: The start at the topside
philip_vw: Tris's curve
philip_vw: Tris's cairne
philip_vw: Teen group
philip_vw: Teen group
philip_vw: Isaac learns what trailwork is.
philip_vw: Teen group
philip_vw: Bek --- a bit soggy
philip_vw: Bek and Drie
philip_vw: Todd
philip_vw: Jason, Emily Mic
philip_vw: Jason and Emily
philip_vw: Iggy
philip_vw: Iggy manicuring the zigzag
philip_vw: Mike sculpting the transition
philip_vw: Emily
philip_vw: Issac and the Gripped racing guys
philip_vw: Jason
philip_vw: Iggy wouldnt stop digging.
philip_vw: Happy Becky. we must be done.
philip_vw: Mic, Gambrill liaison
philip_vw: Mike jumps across the shot.
philip_vw: David
philip_vw: Issac, from the FredPeds
philip_vw: Mr Rockwork.
philip_vw: Frank, Bek, Dave
philip_vw: Keg and Comer rock works