- Renee -: hi there! 1/52
- Renee -: 2/52 that kind of Sunday
- Renee -: mizzle 3/52
- Renee -: this is how we do it 4/52
- Renee -: 5/52 my girl
- Renee -: Ella on 34th 6/52
- Renee -: so proud of her! 7/52
- Renee -: let your hair down 8/52
- Renee -: she's the bee's knees 9/52
- Renee -: snow angel 10/52
- Renee -: is spring in the air... 11/52
- Renee -: cake face 12/52
- Renee -: this one 13/52
- Renee -: reflections of me 15/52
- Renee -: sweet dreams 16/52
- Renee -: she knows 18/52
- Renee -: bandit 19/52
- Renee -: Ella 20/52
- Renee -: reflecting back 21/52
- Renee -: d'Elegante 22/52
- Renee -: how you doin' 23/52
- Renee -: incognito 24/52
- Renee -: hang on 25/52
- Renee -: Oh Canada... 26/52
- Renee -: watchful even when wet 27/52
- Renee -: Ella 28/52
- Renee -: a little bit crazy 29/52
- Renee -: home soon 32/52
- Renee -: it's good to be home 33/52
- Renee -: in a blur 34/52