- Renee -: looking forward to 52 weeks for dogs 1/52
- Renee -: Nina nose 2/52
- Renee -: nah-nah 3/52
- Renee -: it's starting to snow, can I go play now? 4/52
- Renee -: These are a few of my favourite things... 5/52
- Renee -: a little breeze & eerie pre-storm light... snow is coming 6/52 (explore)
- Renee -: stickin' out my tongue 7/52
- Renee -: sharing... 8/52 (explore #14)
- Renee -: throw my ball, pleeeeeaze... 9/52
- Renee -: on her rock... 10/52
- Renee -: things to do places to be... 11/52
- Renee -: early morning fog... 12/52
- Renee -: cantering in to spring... 13/52
- Renee -: blue sky... 14/52
- Renee -: expression of joy... 15/52
- Renee -: diva on the couch... 16/52
- Renee -: weekend is coming!... 17/52 (explore)
- Renee -: sun kissed... 18/52
- Renee -: watching the sun set... 19/52
- Renee -: action blur... 20/52
- Renee -: relaxing on the deck... 21/52
- Renee -: I done good!... 22/52
- Renee -: in to the light... 23/52
- Renee -: some of the things we did this weekend... 24/52
- Renee -: off switch engaged... 25/52
- Renee -: Happy Canada Day!... 26/52
- Renee -: it's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day... 27/52
- Renee -: sleeping beauty... 28/52
- Renee -: If I were a sculptor... 29/52
- Renee -: Vantage point... 30/52