4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Yellow-rumped Warbler
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Warbler lunch
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Warbling Viero ????
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Common Yellowthroat
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Common Yellowthroat
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
The Bounty of Fall MIgration
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Wilson's Warbler
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Ready for my close up
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Yellow-rumped Warbler
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Yellow-breasted Chat
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Backyard Rump
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Nashville Warbler???
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Recapture Orange Crowned Warbler
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
A NAshville Warbler in the hand is worth how many in the bush??
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Nashville Warbler ??