4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Group Shake
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Big Bird LAnding
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Lontra canadensis
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Great Blue Heron
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Bad Light Pretty Bird
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Castor Canadensis
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
The Fisherman
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
my Favorite Swainson's
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
PEregrine Falcon
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Turkey Vulture
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Turkey Vulture
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Ready for my close up
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Green Heron
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
black-tailed herd
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Kestrel at the Park
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Keepin Watch
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Willow FLycatcher????
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Busy Family
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Male Nuttall's Woodpecker
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
The Bullfrog Killer
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
A Mouthful
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Common Yellowthroat
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
KIngfisher with Crayfish snack