4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Cooper's Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Cooper's Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
New Raptor at Pine Creek
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
On the wing
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Red Shouldered Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Coopers HAwk on the wing
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Cooper's Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Sharp Shinned
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Crappy Shinnie Pic
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Rick is Going to LOve This
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Accipiter cooperii
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Coopers Hawk???
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Cooper's Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Bird Fever
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Female Cooper's Hawk
4geigerfamily( too busy not much Flickr time):
Smallest Cooper's Hawk Ive Ever Seen