Hey Little Rich Girl: Where can I find . .
Hey Little Rich Girl: . these boys?
Hey Little Rich Girl: Bottega Veneta
Hey Little Rich Girl: The shape of the bag
Hey Little Rich Girl: What are those flowers called?
Hey Little Rich Girl: The pink onee I want the pink one
Hey Little Rich Girl: Invite me to a tea party
Hey Little Rich Girl: behive w/ bow!!!! but why the ugly jeans?
Hey Little Rich Girl: Zis for Zany !
Hey Little Rich Girl: I'm obsessed w/ hair ribbons in braids!!
Hey Little Rich Girl: Looks like it came out of my brain
Hey Little Rich Girl: Socks w/ heels it can work?
Hey Little Rich Girl: heylittlerichgirl!
Hey Little Rich Girl: love the idea of a smartly embellished T-shirt
Hey Little Rich Girl: hair of my dreams
Hey Little Rich Girl: Prettiest girl I've ever seen
Hey Little Rich Girl: orange dress orange lipstick and somehow it works
Hey Little Rich Girl: Loves the hair
Hey Little Rich Girl: "They only want you when you're 17 when you're 21 you're no fun."
Hey Little Rich Girl: I'm having a purple & red obsession as we speak
Hey Little Rich Girl: Gold and blackkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!