A.C. Hobbs: Mesh and Wood Definition Fence
A.C. Hobbs: Batten-type Board-to-Board with Cap
A.C. Hobbs: Board-to-Board with Alternating Widths and Cap
A.C. Hobbs: Mesh and Wood Definition Fence
A.C. Hobbs: Open Picket Fence with Arrowhead Points
A.C. Hobbs: Board to Board with Tilted Rail
A.C. Hobbs: Board to Board Fence with Decorative Cut Boards
A.C. Hobbs: Simple Board to Board Fence
A.C. Hobbs: White Dog-Eared Good Neighbor Fence, off SE Mitchell and Milwaukie
A.C. Hobbs: 16-sided treading barn for threshing wheat
A.C. Hobbs: Mt. Vernon Farm
A.C. Hobbs: Lower Garden
A.C. Hobbs: Ranch house
A.C. Hobbs: SW 42nd Ave. & Garden Home Stairs Looking North
A.C. Hobbs: Fence and Aspens
A.C. Hobbs: Split Rail Fence