camera_addict: A Berry Merry Santa
camera_addict: just one bite...
camera_addict: just one bite, it really is delicious, I promise
camera_addict: time's up
camera_addict: close-up pink
camera_addict: Hard on the Edge
camera_addict: Graffiti
camera_addict: I can't see you, You can't see me
camera_addict: Which one is Me?
camera_addict: If your mom makes a blanket/rug thingy, then she's going to want you to take a picture of it.
camera_addict: Santa's Got a Hotrod
camera_addict: Dying and broken
camera_addict: I can't see you, you can't see me...
camera_addict: Deathberries
camera_addict: Outshined
camera_addict: Crangrapple
camera_addict: Burnished
camera_addict: Rusty Crusty Blue
camera_addict: Patriot's Rainbow (such a horrible title)
camera_addict: Rainbow Nova
camera_addict: Somewhere/Over the rainbow...
camera_addict: Like a rose/Trampled on the ground/You took the fall/And thought of me/Above all
camera_addict: Mint Chocolate Chip