✿Low✿: Iced up window
✿Low✿: Traipsing through the trees
✿Low✿: On the trail
✿Low✿: Natural architecture
✿Low✿: Dead apples
✿Low✿: Honey bucket
✿Low✿: Snowshoes
✿Low✿: Dead leaves on the dirty ground
✿Low✿: Cattails
✿Low✿: The cabin
✿Low✿: Booker and his handsome jacket
✿Low✿: Hood
✿Low✿: Lichen
✿Low✿: Tracks
✿Low✿: Swamp
✿Low✿: Weeds
✿Low✿: More tracks
✿Low✿: Shadow
✿Low✿: Animal tracks
✿Low✿: Boat
✿Low✿: Fuel
✿Low✿: Milkhouse
✿Low✿: Milk Hous(e)
✿Low✿: Treats?!
✿Low✿: The barn is NOT on fire
✿Low✿: Fireglass
✿Low✿: Fireglass
✿Low✿: Snow angels
✿Low✿: Redbud
✿Low✿: Puzzle time!