jerseyjoe16823: Ali and Art
jerseyjoe16823: Ali and Art Stover
jerseyjoe16823: Ali and Art with flowers
jerseyjoe16823: Ali's family
jerseyjoe16823: exchange of rings Ali to Art
jerseyjoe16823: exchange of rings Art to Ali
jerseyjoe16823: Kenneth and Ali
jerseyjoe16823: Mr and Mrs Art and Ali Stover
jerseyjoe16823: Neil and Ray Stover
jerseyjoe16823: Stover brothers and Ali
jerseyjoe16823: Stover extended family
jerseyjoe16823: Stovers and their children
jerseyjoe16823: Sue and Neil at reception
jerseyjoe16823: Sue and Neil closeup at reception
jerseyjoe16823: wedding cake
jerseyjoe16823: wedding party