jerseyjoe16823: piles of cut trees
jerseyjoe16823: side yard elm logs
jerseyjoe16823: side yard tree down
jerseyjoe16823: tree logs piled by dog run
jerseyjoe16823: tree pile behind dog runs
jerseyjoe16823: trees down outside fence
jerseyjoe16823: backyard trees down
jerseyjoe16823: backyard trees down view from back
jerseyjoe16823: cherry trees down and cut up
jerseyjoe16823: cut logs jumble pile
jerseyjoe16823: front yard from across street
jerseyjoe16823: front yard from right side
jerseyjoe16823: front yard left trees down
jerseyjoe16823: lift to cut tall trees
jerseyjoe16823: stacks of wood cut
jerseyjoe16823: woodpile half cut
jerseyjoe16823: woodpile to be cut
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_cut boards by logs
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_cutting large log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_cutting log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_flipping big log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_Greg and big log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_Greg and Neil
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_Greg cutting log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_log
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_log flipping
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_log trimmed
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_logs ready
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_Neil
jerseyjoe16823: sawmill_Neil and mill