Veronica Schlee: Urbancontrol
Veronica Schlee: BUSJE KOMT ZO....
Veronica Schlee: VOIS SUR TON CHEMIN
Veronica Schlee: present the good life...
Veronica Schlee: burning down the house
Veronica Schlee: Hidden in the same town
Veronica Schlee: fear for happyness
Veronica Schlee: cry me a river
Veronica Schlee: abouth bridges, boobs and bra's
Veronica Schlee: lifeline
Veronica Schlee: run for your life
Veronica Schlee: Rotterdam FOREVER
Veronica Schlee: My never boring hometown
Veronica Schlee: optimistic
Veronica Schlee: change the world
Veronica Schlee: he's got the whole world in his hands
Veronica Schlee: Rotterdam is empty without you
Veronica Schlee: Stolen and still miss it
Veronica Schlee: Try to try less
Veronica Schlee: Rapture Capture
Veronica Schlee: Area of effect
Veronica Schlee: Born in the South