claudia@flickr: Flight from Jo'burg to Phalabowra
claudia@flickr: First impressions from the terrace at the lapa
claudia@flickr: First visitors we saw at the waterhole - African or Cape buffaloes
claudia@flickr: Hippo Bingo - 1
claudia@flickr: Hippo Bingo - 2
claudia@flickr: Hippo Bingo - 3
claudia@flickr: Hippo Bingo - 6 (one even for a bonus on the head0
claudia@flickr: Hippo Bingo - 9
claudia@flickr: Bushbuck ewe
claudia@flickr: Black collared barbet - one of the various birds frequenting the hippo hide
claudia@flickr: Start of the stand off between the territorial hippo and the thursty baboon
claudia@flickr: Spectators of the featered kind secured the best seats to observe the hippo's claim to the waterhole
claudia@flickr: Threat display directed towards the lone baboon
claudia@flickr: Quite the impressive threat display
claudia@flickr: Ok, this is the last one... just in case you needed a measure of the sizeable jaws
claudia@flickr: An impala was carefully checking if the hippo was happy sharing again
claudia@flickr: And the next careful visitor was a warthog - mirror, mirror
claudia@flickr: And the lesser masked weaver even felt bold enough to have a bird bath
claudia@flickr: Cleaning after the kill, the red are blood residues
claudia@flickr: Watching us contented and full - even some synchronised watching going on
claudia@flickr: Spot of bother or opportunity
claudia@flickr: Taking it easy again
claudia@flickr: Watching your back
claudia@flickr: Gorgeous impala blending into the landscape
claudia@flickr: Next we came across a herd of African buffaloes
claudia@flickr: Tender moments among the sturdy animals
claudia@flickr: Not sure what this behaviour means
claudia@flickr: Raptor waiting for its chance in the shade of a tree
claudia@flickr: Grey heron out for a catch
claudia@flickr: Mr and Mrs Hadada Ibis blending in