Tiwilla: Fresh and energetic ready to head off.
Tiwilla: A glimpse of Pigeon House
Tiwilla: Following Belowra Creek
Tiwilla: The sole of David's volley needed reinforcing within hours of the start
Tiwilla: A rest in the shade on the hot walk up to Wirritin Ridgeridge
Tiwilla: Finally on Wirritin Range - very hot
Tiwilla: View towards The Castle from Wirritin Mtn
Tiwilla: Andrew on the summit of Wirritin Mtn
Tiwilla: Looking south to the Belowra Creek headwaters
Tiwilla: Looking north to Mt Owen and Cole
Tiwilla: Tara dwarfing a termite mound
Tiwilla: Following the ridge down to the Yadboro
Tiwilla: Rock orchids were common
Tiwilla: Ground orchid
Tiwilla: Made it to camp at Yadboro Rv just on dark
Tiwilla: DAY2 - Checking the river's route before setting off downstream
Tiwilla: All day was largely walking down the bouldery river
Tiwilla: Rock pattern
Tiwilla: The rocks were often slippery, but the water warm
Tiwilla: The Volley retreads (goots?) were holding out
Tiwilla: Sunset on the first day
Tiwilla: Lunch in the shade
Tiwilla: On of the deepest pools on the Yadboro River
Tiwilla: David adjusting his Volley retread
Tiwilla: Giant dragonfly - Petalura
Tiwilla: Giant dragonfly - Petalura
Tiwilla: Giant dragonfly - Petalura
Tiwilla: Unusual form of Eucalyptus saligna
Tiwilla: DAY3 - more river, with more frequent deeper pools
Tiwilla: Andrew scrambling to a rock shelf