Tiwilla: Pip and Anne sit down to dinner at Omna Lodge
Tiwilla: Andrew at the table
Tiwilla: The beautifully decorated room
Tiwilla: Dinner is served
Tiwilla: A beautifully presented dinner - the best in the Western Province?
Tiwilla: Once it gets dark, Rinda leads the girls to the dance floor.
Tiwilla: About ten women and girls from the family joined Anne, Celia and Pip in traditional Vanuatu floral dresses.
Tiwilla: Meanshile outside the water was a flury of activity - the coral was spawning tonight
Tiwilla: Back on the dance floor - now doing a circle dance to Vanuatu music
Tiwilla: More dancing again
Tiwilla: Saying our farewells from the Omna Lodge wharf - we go by boat and leave the kayak behind to be retrieved the next day.