Tiwilla: Don't lurk here too long
Tiwilla: Exploring the small bays at Ringgi Cove
Tiwilla: Mangroves - no crocodiles here I am told
Tiwilla: Through the Chinamans passage - the shortcut between the Nusatuva peninsula and the mainland
Tiwilla: 'Marine protected reef - keep out!'
Tiwilla: The Nusatuva marine sanctuary
Tiwilla: Arriving at Nusatuva
Tiwilla: Coral garden and tame fish
Tiwilla: Duncan and his sister in law(?) at Nusatuva
Tiwilla: Eric and Duncan, part of the family that owns Nusatuva - the marine protected area
Tiwilla: Pip has to load her own bag - after they returned all the bags to the check-in counter to make space for a coffin