Tiwilla: Mangrove Lodge
Tiwilla: Sunrise rainbow from the wharf
Tiwilla: Rainbow on sunrise, leading to Gizo
Tiwilla: The foundations of Mangrove Lodge were built from nearby coral
Tiwilla: Russelly walks us to the next village
Tiwilla: Through the coconut grove on the track to the next village
Tiwilla: Pip shares her binoculars with Russelly
Tiwilla: Richard present to the community
Tiwilla: The Poporo community came out in force to listen to the workshop
Tiwilla: Richard, the presented of the non-timber forest products workshop
Tiwilla: A bird mobile in the kindergarten made from pieces of coconuts
Tiwilla: A kindergarten project - find all the packaging used in products bought from the shops
Tiwilla: Pip's friend
Tiwilla: A workshop group talks about their priority non-timber forest products.
Tiwilla: One of the workshop group under a new house
Tiwilla: The distinctive 'cut nut' flower, growing next to a village house.
Tiwilla: Freshly picked 'cut nuts' for us to taste.
Tiwilla: "The older I get the better I was"
Tiwilla: Andrew assinst this group talk about possible non-forest uses of interest to their area and barriers to making them happen.