Tiwilla: Mt Rano from my bed on the deck of the lodge taken 2am via the light of the full moon
Tiwilla: Mt Rano at dawn
Tiwilla: The rain and mist came and went at dawn, looking out to Mt Rano
Tiwilla: On the Vila River, 30 mins from Imbu Rano lodge
Tiwilla: A side creek of Vila River, a great swim spot
Tiwilla: Strange fruit from a tree on the Vila River
Tiwilla: My guide, Andrew, heading off on the track for the day
Tiwilla: My walking guide, Andrew, leading the way along the creek
Tiwilla: Fallen tree flower
Tiwilla: New growth
Tiwilla: Unnamed falls
Tiwilla: Part of WWII plane wreckage placed on a vine in the middle of the river as a marker
Tiwilla: A monster leaf
Tiwilla: Sa-gai Lodge
Tiwilla: Welcome to Sa-gai Lodge