rlowe3: Andean Cock of the Rock2
rlowe3: Purple-throated Woodstar
rlowe3: Andean Guan
rlowe3: Azara's Spinetail
rlowe3: Barred Fruiteater
rlowe3: Andean Motmot
rlowe3: Bicolored Antpitta
rlowe3: Black Flowerpierce
rlowe3: Black-breasted Puffbird
rlowe3: Black-billed Mountain-toucan
rlowe3: Black-billed Mountain-toucans
rlowe3: Black-tailed Trainbearer
rlowe3: Blue-capped & Lacrimose-Mt Tanagers
rlowe3: Black-winged Saltator
rlowe3: Blue-headed Parrot
rlowe3: Blue-throated Starfrontlet
rlowe3: Blue-winged Mountain-tanager
rlowe3: Blue-capped Tanager
rlowe3: Bronzy Inca
rlowe3: Brown Violetear
rlowe3: Brown-banded Antpitta
rlowe3: Buff-breasted Mountain-tanager
rlowe3: Buff-tailed Coronet1
rlowe3: Buff-tailed Coronet2
rlowe3: Buff-winged Starfrontlet
rlowe3: Buffy Helmetcrest
rlowe3: Chami Antpitta
rlowe3: Chestnut Wood-Quail
rlowe3: Chestnut-capped Brushfinch
rlowe3: Chestnut-crowned Antpitta