calljohn3: Wild horse in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: Mountain mustang
calljohn3: Mountain mustang
calljohn3: Mountain mustangs
calljohn3: Mountain mustang
calljohn3: Mountain mustangs
calljohn3: Mountain mustangs
calljohn3: Mountain mustang
calljohn3: Mountain mustangs
calljohn3: Took another trip to the mountains
calljohn3: Took another trip to the mountains
calljohn3: Took another trip to the mountains
calljohn3: Took another trip to the mountains
calljohn3: Took another trip to the mountains
calljohn3: Oregon wild horse
calljohn3: Oregon wild horses
calljohn3: Oregon wild horses
calljohn3: Oregon wild horses
calljohn3: Oregon wild horses
calljohn3: Oregon wild horses
calljohn3: Oregon mustang foal
calljohn3: Wild horses in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: Wild horse in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: Wild horses in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: Wild horses in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: Wild horse in the Cascade Mtns. of Oregon
calljohn3: High mountain mustangs
calljohn3: High mountain mustangs
calljohn3: High mountain mustangs
calljohn3: High mountain mustangs