Bruno Bastin: Cold emptiness...
Bruno Bastin: Alone...
Bruno Bastin: Late foggy afternoon... Ce plat pays qui est le mien...
Bruno Bastin: Early foggy morning...
Bruno Bastin: Follow your path...
Bruno Bastin: Belgian seaside...
Bruno Bastin: Doel and its beautiful landscape...
Bruno Bastin: Doel, the Belgian ghost town
Bruno Bastin: North Sea
Bruno Bastin: Washington State, Kingston area
Bruno Bastin: Washington State
Bruno Bastin: End of day
Bruno Bastin: Grand-Leez
Bruno Bastin: Driving back home
Bruno Bastin: Etang du bois de Buis
Bruno Bastin: Etang du bois de Buis
Bruno Bastin: I am like a waterfall, wild and free