Mr. Lobos: Ascent 1
Mr. Lobos: Ascent 2
Mr. Lobos: Ascent 3
Mr. Lobos: Ascent 4
Mr. Lobos: Ascent 5
Mr. Lobos: Checking it out before we leave
Mr. Lobos: Crusing Down
Mr. Lobos: Descent
Mr. Lobos: Interesting Light Pattern
Mr. Lobos: Interesting White Sponge EE Juvenile Maybe
Mr. Lobos: Juvies
Mr. Lobos: Little Bit of Current
Mr. Lobos: Look at all the Juvenile Rockfish
Mr. Lobos: Lots of Life on Structure and Particulates in Water
Mr. Lobos: Neat Colors
Mr. Lobos: Nice Day
Mr. Lobos: Nice Everyone Together
Mr. Lobos: Pavel and Bag
Mr. Lobos: Pavel Would Not Let Go of the Bag
Mr. Lobos: Peekaboo Ken
Mr. Lobos: Regrouping At Top
Mr. Lobos: Rosy Inside EE Sponge
Mr. Lobos: See How Bright the Liquidvision Is
Mr. Lobos: Siphonophore
Mr. Lobos: So Close to Shore and So Far Away
Mr. Lobos: So Much Stuff
Mr. Lobos: Still Descending Tier 2
Mr. Lobos: Turning Around
Mr. Lobos: Hovering 1
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonians and More 3 Rosy in Middle of Frame